Trading Intermediate

How to Read Candlestick Pattern Easily

Reading Time: 7 minutesIn making investment decisions, the most important consideration is fundamental analysis. However, some investors are also take into account the price trend pattern or technical analysis before making decisions. Therefore many investors learn how to read a…
Trading Beginner Reading List

5 Crypto Price Chart Patterns to Learn

Reading Time: 9 minutesOne of the most important things about investing in crypto is understanding the right time to buy and sell your assets. One of the most popular ways to understand this is to do technical analysis. In simple…
Trading Intermediate Reading List

Introduction to Technical Analysis in Cryptocurrency

Reading Time: 8 minutes Investing and trading require a clear understanding of the various aspects of the coin or stock that you want to buy. You need to understand what value an asset offers as well as its future potential.…
Trading Beginner Reading List

4 Crypto Trading Indicator You Should Know

Reading Time: 8 minutes The cryptocurrency asset market is one with a high level of volatility. Crypto prices often fluctuate and change drastically within just 1 day. Therefore, trading in such a scenario is difficult. Professional traders understand that they…
Trading Intermediate Reading List

What Is On-Chain Analysis in Crypto?

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe transparency of crypto assets such as Bitcoin is one of the benefits that make them appealing to investors. Because it means that anyone can monitor the movement of Bitcoin supply and demand and the activity on…
Trading Intermediate

Understanding Support and Resistance in Crypto Trading

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn crypto trading, knowing support and resistance points are essential. By learning these two things, traders can find out the level as a marker of whether the asset price will move up or down. Understanding the support…
Trading Beginner Reading List

Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Trading

Reading Time: 4 minutes For those who are new to the crypto world, it is not uncommon to wonder, is it true that crypto-assets can bring profit? What are the steps that should be taken by beginners? How do you…